Protect Wolves, Protect Tourism, Protect Alaska

The wolf population in Denali National Park has been declining since 2010. From 2000 until 2010 there was a small 200 square mile buffer zone in place on the outskirts of the park where it was illegal to hunt or trap wolves which protected two key wolf packs. These two packs were the most viewed packs in Alaska and brought in tons of tourism and revenue, stimulating the Alaskan economy. I created postcards, posters, dog products, and a video for this campaign using photos I had taken of wolves. Once finished, I compiled my designs into a branded book to showcase the creative items. You can view the entire book here.

I began by drawing the exact topography of Mount Denali and its surrounding areas. This space is where the wolf packs roam and I felt it was necessary to have a direct tie to their homeland within the designs. I have also always had a passion for maps and so this was a perfect marriage between maps and the wolves. Below you will find a collection of images showing my design process and iterations.

Below are the final designs. Some are in-situ and others are just shown flat.




Boston Beer Company